Uniting many computers with different spec and different types of OS is required, it is increasingly making efficiency a lot of things. For office maybe one of them is the use of media devices (printers, etc.) that can be used together. For IT domain and has responsibility for the regulation and administration will be very helpful, because it would be very easy to control these devices.
Setting Windows 7, Vista and XP in One Network
File and Printer Sharing is enabled.
- Here are some steps to make all the different computer OS in the same network.
- File and Printer Sharing is enabled.
- File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks and Client for Microsoft Networks protocol is enabled.
The way to open the Properties dialog of the network connection is:
1. Windows XP
Start> Connect to> Show all connections.
Right-click the network connection that is used and select Properties.
2. Windows Vista
Open Network and Sharing Center, click Manage Network Connections link on the left. Then right-click the network connection and select Properties.
3. Windows 7
Open Network and Sharing Center, click Desired name link in the connection active area networks. In the connection status window, click the Properties button.
Disable File-Sharing Wizard Interface.
Here's how to disable the interface or a simple wizard-based sharing;
- Explorer My Computer.
- Click on Tools and select Folder Options.
- If you do not see the file menu in Vista or Windows 7, press the Alt key.
- Click the View tab.
- Check the Use Sharing Wizard (Vista/7) or Use Sharing Wizard (XP).
- Click OK.
All computers in the same workgroup.
Because some versions of Windows have different default workgroup name, you must specify a particular name and ensure that each computer is set to the same workgroup (eg "GROUP").
Setting up computer to Workgroup on Windows 7 Windows XP Windows Vista, right-click My Computer or Computer shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu and select Properties. You will see the computer name, domain, and workgroup settings in the System window.
It would be nice if every computer has a descriptive name their own computer, and make sure not to get the same computer name on the network, if there is certain to be a conflict.
Source :
Setting Windows 7, Vista, Xp Computer On Same Network
Jim Gordon
Lecturer in Computer Networking
Setting Computer - settingcomputers.blogspot.com
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